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Viipurin lastenkoti ?
Viipurin Lastenkoti, or the Viipuri Children's Home, was established in the early 20th century in Viipuri (now Vyborg, Russia) to provide care for orphaned or abandoned children. The institution was influenced by the ideals of the time, aimed at providing a nurturing environment for underprivileged children.
The home played a significant role in the community, particularly during periods of turmoil, such as the Finnish Civil War and World War II. After the wars, and particularly following Finland's loss of Viipuri in 1944, the institution's heritage became part of the complex historical narrative surrounding the region.
While the original building and its operations have undergone changes over the decades, the legacy of Viipurin Lastenkoti remains a poignant chapter in the history of child welfare in Finland. If you are looking for specific aspects, such as its historical significance, architecture, or social impact, please let me know!
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